Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Humble Heart



1 Peter 5:6

"So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor."





Lord, I ask that you would keep ______'s heart soft and easily molded by your hand. I pray that she would not be occupied with the need to be honored by people, but that she would long for your approval and smile. I pray that her humble spirit would so groom the substance of her heart that when the heat of adversity comes, it would soften her heart like wax rather than harden it like clay. May that softness take away some of the pain of your work, and give you an open space to work in her life. And I pray that as others see the clear marks of your shaping hand, that she would receive honor at just the right time. Amen.




Concentrate on cultivating a genuine humility in your own heart. Leave the honoring to God. He will work his miracles in his own time.


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