Monday, March 10, 2008

A Friend



Proverbs 18:24b

A real friend sticks closer than a brother.


1Thessalonians 5:14b

Encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone.






Lord, ______ knows what it is to be fainthearted and weak. The load of emotions she is under seems unbearable. Her heart faints and the knees of her soul are weak. And yet, there seems to be no one who sticks closer than a brother. No one calls. No one encourages. No one helps. It feels as though no one cares. And rather than the pain being lessened by a brother, the absence of a friend makes the pain greater still. Lord, it ought not be so. I pray that you would rouse the hearts of your people to remember what it is to love one in need. I pray that they would see beyond their busyness and see the shadow of those sitting alone in pain. Cause their excuses to be consumed like wood, hay and straw Lord. Help them to remember what it was like to be loved by you when they were unable to love back. Bring to their heart the times they were the ones in need, helplessly hoping for a Samaritan to come along and bandage their wounds. Move them to initiate actions of care and compassion and love Lord. Move them to love ______ today Lord. Move them now, I pray. Amen.




Be the friend you long to have. Give of your heart what you can and when you can. And wait for God to give you a friend indeed.


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