Monday, March 31, 2008

LIfe and Peace

Romans 8:6
6          For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace,
Life and peace Lord, is what I ask for ______ at this moment. I ask that she would focus her mind on that which the Holy Spirit within her would bring. Push out those dismal ponderings of dark futures, and move her to dream of beautiful possibilities Lord. Break into her mind with light and paint hopeful, joyful, futures. Make her know that you take even the dark events of her past and weave them into light. Help her to feel your forgiveness and love and confidence and smile. And Lord, as ______ is filled up to overflowing with the ponderings of your future blessings, please fill her with life and peace. Please flood her emotions with your peace as a result of filling her mind with your Spirit. May her purposeful intentions be to digest in her mind only those brilliant and hopeful blessings that you have yet to give. Amen.
The thoughts you choose to meditate upon will have a profound effect upon your emotions. Choose to dwell on the hope of his lavish blessing. Choose.

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