Thursday, July 12, 2007

Heavenly Direction

Psalm 37:23-24

23 The Lord directs the steps of the godly.He delights in every detail of their lives.24 Though they stumble, they will never fall,for the Lord holds them by the hand.

What a great feeling Lord, to know that you actually delight in the details of our lives. Wow. I pray that you would pervade ______’s everyday with a constant picture of you, sitting at the edge of heaven, leaning forward with great interest. May she know that you love her so much that you relish every event, every nuance of emotion that glances across her heart, every mist of a thought that hovers at the edge of her mind. Make her know that your interest is active, speaking your voice into her heart as she ponders the small steps of her life as well as the giant leaps of change. And Lord, help her to feel your hand enveloping hers, as she walks, especially during those times when she stumbles badly. May she feel your strength keeping her from falling headlong Lord. May she feel you righting her balance, and re-establishing her footing. And may she walk on with the confidence of walking hand in hand with her Heavenly Dad. Thank you that although you are the Almighty God of the universe, you care deeply and daily for ______. Thank you indeed. Amen.

Relax. God will direct your steps, big and small. He will speak his still small voice, and you will hear. Just keep your hand in his, and you will be cared for and directed, even when you stumble profoundly.

Dave's Life Coaching

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