Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A Purpose

Psalm 57:2-3

I cry out to God Most High,
to God who will fulfill his purpose for me.
He will send help from heaven to rescue me,
disgracing those who hound me.
My God will send forth his unfailing love and faithfulness.


Lord, lift ______’s heart this day with the reassurance that you have a purpose for her; a high purpose; a purpose that will honor you and impact others with her beauty and giftedness. I know that as she sits alone in the midst of the storm, doubt assails her. She wonders if she has missed your purpose. She muses that somehow her failure has thwarted your plan. She fears that the gifts you have given her will go to waste. Ah but Lord, YOU are the one who will fulfill her purpose, by your rescuing help, from the depth of your unfailing love and faithfulness, and in response to her cry to you. Hear her cry Lord. May her cry be specific, persistent, and bold. May she ask you for great things, not great in the eyes of man, but great in the quiet place where only you see. Lord, fill her with a passion for faithfulness to you, faithfulness to use her gifts to your honor. And may she know that she can do that, even when no one but you is listening. It is your heart that is lifted as she makes the music of her gifts, as the songs of her soul come out through those gifts. Lord, make her sing that song; make her sing it to you. And reward her in the deep place of her soul as she honors you in the quit place of her life. Give her the faith to know that one day you will make the beauty of her song an instrument of healing and grace to many. YOU will do that Lord. Help her faith. Give her hope. Lift ______'s heart today, please I pray. Refresh her by her own giftedness. Amen.


He has gifted you. He has a purpose for you. Today he is shaping, sanding, polishing, and tuning you. And one day he will present you as a well-tuned instrument, with the song of your soul touching many. One day.

Dave's Life Coaching

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