Friday, July 13, 2007


2 Chronicles 16:9

The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.

Lord, secure ______’s unreserved commitment to you. Melt her discouragement. Fortify her faith. I ask that you would make her heart love you more than anything or anyone on the face of this earth. I pray that she would leap within at the thought of your love, at the sound of your word to her, at the look of your creation. I pray that the embrace of your grace would be better than skin. Make your presence such a reality to her everyday that she could not imagine living life without you. I pray that her heart would feel a passion of commitment to you that surpasses even the beauty of marital love. And as a result of this fully committed heart, I ask that in your search you would find her, lavish your pleasure on her, and powerfully strengthen her… today… now… at this very moment. And I ask that you would give _______ a special gift today… a gift that assures her of your presence and strengthening power… something unexpected… something profound. Please do that for her today. In faith, Amen.

Know that as God’s eyes searched the earth, the brilliant beauty of your heart caught his attention, and he paused to strengthen you. And his strength means something… something powerful and profound. Feel honored, and supported.

Dave's Life Coaching

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